About Delta
Delta, founded in 1971, is a global provider of power and thermal management solutions. Its mission statement, "To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," focuses on addressing key environmental issues such as global climate change. As an energy-saving solutions provider with core competencies in power electronics and automation, Delta's business categories include Power Electronics, Mobility, Automation, and Infrastructure.
After the customer replaced the relay control board for another error, they had not inserted the AC sensing plug correctly into the board causing the 004002 error. Once the plug was inserted correctly the error was removed.  

Important! Only trained, licensed and certified specialists should carry out mechanical and electrotechnical work.
1) Check the input of the charger on L1, L2, L3
2) If the input is correct and there is 400V between each of the phases, turn off charger, switch off the upstream breaker, and check the connector B1 - unplugging and replugging B1 can solve the issue. 
3) If the issue remains replace the relay control board.
Figure 1. Relay control board - B1 connection location
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